Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 1- Omelettes

Okay every time i've ever tried to make an omelette, it's turned out more like scrambled eggs. So now's my chance to really give it a shot!
To start me off, I did what any clueless cook would do... I Googled the word "Omelette" and with 2 430 000 results, I was overwhelmed. There are so many different variations of an omelette out there; sweet omelettes, savoury omelettes, breakfast omelettes, dinner omelettes, fancy omelettes and humble omelettes. But, the one thing they all have in common... eggs. So i decided to find the simplest recipe online and add to it. http://www.ehow.com/how_2211699_cook-omelette.html 

Here's my recipe:
Serves 2 people (my sister Bek and me)

-5 whole eggs
-A sprinkle of salt and pepper
-Half a lemon
-1 Onion (my arch nemesis)
-1 small mushroom
-Half a Tomato (for all your americans…yes, its pronounced tomarrrrtow)
-A dollop of cream cheese (the secret recipe)
-A few leaves of Parsley
-Regular grated cheese (any kind)

How to do it yourself:
1. Dice up the tomatoes, mushroom and onions. I found that you can really add what ever you want to an omelette, as long as you have the core ingredient- eggs, you're free to experiment. I would have liked to add spinach to it, but there was none in the fridge. 
This is the first time i've ever cut up an onion without crying! Must be the determination kicking in. 

2. Saute' all your raw ingredients in a pan (tomatoe, onion, mushroom). Sauteing is just a fancy way of saying throw it all in a pan with a bit of oil and let it cook for a couple minutes.

3. Crack all your eggs into a bowl (trying to not get any shell in the mix is the key...i did). 

4. Squeeze half a lemon into the eggs; the recipe on ehow says to add lemon pepper seasoning but I didn't have any of that, so I used the real thing. 

5. Add a sprinkle of Salt and Pepper to the eggs.

6. Beat the eggs with a whisk (I'm a firm believer in whisks) until slightly fluffy.

7. Heat your pan on medium heat: make sure it doesn't get too hot otherwise your eggs will stick. Spray your pan with a bit of cooking oil, or rub it with a smidgen of butter.

8. Pour the eggs into the middle of the pan and leave them for about 20 seconds. Pull the sides of the egg into the middle of the pan gently. Work your spatular around the pan to make sure the edges don't burn.

9. Once the edges of the egg become slightly dry and hard, begin to add your ingredients to one side of the omelette. Remember to add cheese first, so they all stick together. Also, remember to add my secret ingredient- Cream cheese (I couldn't find any regular cheese in the fridge). I know it sounds a bit adventurous and gross, but it actually adds so much to the flavour! 

10. Fold one side of the Omelette over the other and let it sit there for a while till it's golden brown. 

Ta Da! There's my first successful Omelette. Doesn't look too special, but it sure did taste good, ask Bek!


Unknown said...

I feel privileged to be the first tastee of Sarah's new cooking experiment... i have to admit that I was a little sceptical watching the Philadelphia cream cheese go into the omlette. I was definately thinking that she was being a little too experimental and not being thoughtful of me the poor tastee. But alas, the cream cheese brought a subtle, refreshing flavour, which really complimented the parsley and tomato. Adding the lemmon juice gave the overall flavour a nice tang... like a breakfast slap across the face, first thing in the morning... but in a delicious way!!!

All in all a DELICIOUS omlette... and im not just saying that as her sister. Trust me, I am her harshest critic... but yes, a truly tastey omlette!

Give it a go!

paulGRIM said...

hahah this is so awesome thanks sarah, next time i want to try it :D

yay finally a noob like me in cooking woo.

gonna try this :)